Funding Status, Mortality Improvements, Increased PBGC premiums – they all lead to data quality issues for union pension plans. These data challenges can and should NOT be addressed passively. Our service goal is simple; take a time-out from these participant data quality concerns, and turn them over to the experts at PBI Research Services. We’ll use our state-of-the-art software, processes, and superior data sources to clean up participant data quickly and efficiently.


  • Uncashed Checks
  • Terminating Plans
  • Mortality Improvements
  • Annual Funding Notice
  • Returned 1099s
  • Minimize PBGC premiums
  • Returned Mail (prevent or remediate)

PBI Proudly Serves Union Pension Plans In The Below Endeavors

Accurate participant data is a challenge to union pension plans. Missing or wrong data creates compliance challenges that are compounded by the complexity of unions, multiple employers and TPAs. Correct and up-to-date data is crucial to a plan’s ability to meet their fiduciary responsibilities. Communicating important information to participants or beneficiaries and ensuring pension payments only go to those entitled are critical responsibilities. Unfortunately, the administrative challenges of participant data validation can be a nuisance. At times it’s overlooked with the myriad of other plan administrative priorities.

You need a company that will help you actively address these data and compliance challenges. We offer customizable, flexible, and scalable solutions that can meet your compliance objectives. PBI simplifies these administrative efforts, so you can focus on more pressing fiduciary and compliance tasks.