Identify 38% more deaths with a true death audit.
Stop overpayments and protect the longevity of your pension plan with CertiDeath.
Decedents Identified & Verified
Data Sources
Death Audit Accuracy
Most death data providers give organizations a list of participants who may have potentially passed away – leaving the validation work to plan administrators. PBI’s CertiDeath is the only solution that is a true death audit – providing public pensions validated deaths. Through proprietary algorithms, over 26,000 data sources, and the largest team of experts in the industry, CertiDeath identifies and validates 96.5% of deaths (vs. 70% with a longer period to identify industry average) – helping public pension plans put an end to overpayments quickly. Learn more about the difference between death data and a death audit from our recent Death Data vs. Death Audit webinar.
Stop overpayments & fraud.
PBI has uncovered over $1 billion in overpayments.
Incorrectly paying a deceased pension participant not only effects the longevity of the plan, but it puts the plan at risk for negative PR and audit issues. CertiDeath provides public pensions the confidence that decedents are identified quicker and with more accuracy than any other data provider in the industry. Read an experience of one large public pension prior to working with PBI.
Take care of participants.
Pay deserving participants and beneficiaries.
Your plan participants have invested in your state and deserve to receive returns on that investment. CertiDeath ensures you are paying participants – helping public pensions effectively manage all populations including term vested, active, and in-pay. With CertiDeath, both participants and their beneficiaries are paid accurately.
Locate missing participants.
Reduce risk to your plan while minimizing returned mail.
Communicating with plan participants is difficult. Every year, one in seven people move and many forget to update their contact information with their pension plans. PBI offers comprehensive locate services to help your plan stay compliant through audit trails on each participant. Outreach to find missing participants can include address updates, mailings, recorded phone calls, social media searches, and a death audit. Every effort made is tracked for proof you have done your due diligence in locating a missing participant.
We proudly work with public pensions across the nation.
Note: These organizations use PBI’s services and it is public knowledge. Their representation on this page is not an endorsement of PBI and our services.