
How PBI helps corporate pensions identify decedents, eliminate overpayments and find beneficiaries.

PBI Press Release: PBI Research Services Announces Expanded Capabilities for CertiCensus® – The First Single-Source Pension Plan Population Management Solution

MINNEAPOLIS, April 20, 2022 -- PBI Research Services, the leading death audit and locate service provider, today announced expanded capabilities of CertiCensus, the industry's first single-source proactive pension plan population management solution to help pension plans reduce costs, eliminate overpayments, ensure regulatory compliance and mitigate cybersecurity risk. The platform's capabilities now include new, automated reporting and dynamic updates to participant data, offering increased visibility for plan sponsors for more accurate and efficient participant management. This product release offers [...]

Webinar Recap: CertiCensus® – Accurate, Streamlined, and Secure Pension Participant Management

Managing a pension plan becomes more difficult each year. There are numerous steps and requirements that Plan Administrators and Plan Sponsors need to take. These include sending required mailings, managing returned mail, locating missing participants and beneficiaries, identifying decedents, documenting everything, and following the latest cyber security guidance from the Department of Labor (DOL). In our recent webinar, CertiCensus®: Accurate, Streamlined, and Secure Pension Participant Management, Jeff Anderson, New Business Development Manager at PBI [...]

Webinar Recap: Annual Funding & Other Retirement Plan Notices – What You Need to Know

Defined benefit and defined contribution plans require a variety of communication statements and notices that are critical for participants to receive. These include Annual Funding Notices (AFN), Lifetime Income Illustration in Periodic Pension Benefit Statements, Qualified Default Investment (QDIA) Notices, Automatic Contribution Arrangement Notices, and Safe Harbor Notices to name a few. There is one challenge that all of these, and other pension plan notices have in common: ensuring deliverability of accurate and compliant [...]

2023-06-15T15:05:57-05:00February 4th, 2022|Pensions, Webinar Recaps|

Plan Sponsor Article: PBI Launches Pension Plan Population Management Solution

“Pension plan population management continues to become a more difficult, costly, time-consuming and riskier process,” says John Bikus, president of PBI Research Services. “With CertiCensus®, PBI offers a solution combining unparalleled decedent identification, a locate product conforming to DOL guidance, service to manage required participant communication, and consistently-updated participant/beneficiary information.” He adds: “CertiCensus helps pension plans maximize the lifetime of the fund by reducing costs and minimizing overpayments in addition to providing auditable trails [...]

2023-06-16T09:17:08-05:00October 7th, 2021|News, Pensions, Population Management & CertiCensus|

PBI Press Release: PBI Launches CertiCensus® – The First Single Source Pension Plan Population Management Solution

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 14, 2021 — PBI Research Services, the leading death audit and locate service provider, today announced the launch of CertiCensus®, the industry's first single source proactive pension plan population management solution to help pension plans reduce costs, eliminate overpayments, ensure regulatory compliance and mitigate cybersecurity risk. CertiCensus offers continuous participant monitoring for always-up-to-date census data, comprehensive reporting and a full audit trail. This complete population management solution includes: identifying decedents with CertiDeath®, locating missing [...]

2023-06-16T09:53:12-05:00September 14th, 2021|News, Pensions, Population Management & CertiCensus|