Death Audit & CertiDeath

Find out why the DMF (Death Master File) is no longer adequate for death searches and how PBI CertiDeath solves the problem.

How Do You Handle False Positives from the Death Master File?

Death Audit false positives are defined as identifying a decedent who isn’t actually deceased. False positives result in unplanned organizational expense and incorrect payment stoppage. As a result, false positives can be painful to both those sending and receiving ongoing planned payments, e.g. pension plans/participants and beneficiaries, insurance companies/annuitants. Minimizing false positives while maximizing number of decedents identified should be the goal of any Death Audit system. However, it is virtually impossible to avoid [...]

2024-04-26T14:46:43-05:00February 25th, 2021|Death Audit & CertiDeath|