The best death audit.
Numerous organizations have put CertiDeath to the test and 99% of the time it has found a missed death – often hundreds to thousands of missed deaths depending on the population size.
Identifying decedents is harder today, because thousands of data sources are needed.
In 2011, the Federal government began reducing state death records in the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File. This has drastically decreased the number of deaths identified from 95% in 2011 to just 16% in 2023.
Here’s why CertiDeath is the industry’s only true death audit solution:
CertiDeath improves the participant’s experience.
Focus on providing support to participants and their surviving family during their time of need vs. trying to find deaths and collect overpayments.
“Rather than contacting family members during an already difficult time to rescind overpayments, we are contacting them with condolences and empathy,” said Jennifer Miller, Michigan Education Association (MEA) Plan Administrator and ERISA attorney. Read the MEA case study here.